Friday, December 11, 2015

Life Update!

Where have I been these last few months?

Well earlier in the year I suffered a terrible set back emotionally, physically and spiritually.  It took me a couple months of intense internal work before I felt able to even get back to my Blog or YouTube Channel.  So first of all I would like to apologize for any viewers of my content that felt that I just up and disappeared out of disinterest.  So NOT the case for me.  I ask for your patience and understanding as my scheduling of content is still up in the air.  I can only do what I feel I am capable of doing from day to day.  I will absolutely try to keep up a good posting schedule as was the case before life got in the way.

I have some new interests and am looking forward to sharing my recent acquisitions and thoughts about a whole variety of perfumes, YouTuber's, and other related subject matter.

I appreciate any and all kind comments and thoughts regarding anything I put out and once again want to thank everyone for their patience.
