Sunday, May 18, 2014

Vintage Treasure Find! Estee lauder

There is a wonderful old antique mall very near where I live.  It's one of those shabby, dusty places, filled with tons of useless and weird things, but I have been fortunate to find some very cool things, and not just perfume related.  It's a wonderful place to browse as I love old, vintage, unique and quirky

Recently I came across one of my favorite sellers there and she had a pretty good selection of vintage perfumes.  By that I mean in the early 70's to 80's powerhouse scents.  I found this GORGEOUS solid perfume case of Estee Lauder's Youth Dew.  It seriously weighs about 5 pounds!  It's so heavy.  Youth Dew itself is an extremely unwearable perfume to me, but the lovely Victorian looking case it was in was a definate buy for me.  You want to know the best part?  It was 5 dollars!!!  Yippee!  I was so happy walking around with this gorgeous piece clutched in my hand.  I even thought about scooping out the solid perfume and cleaning it and possibly putting in a new scent.  I've been researching creating my own solid perfume so I may end up putting it in this case when I do.  I'm even thinking of changing the stone in the middle of a Victorian Lady with a gemstone such as an Opal etc.  I dont know yet as if there aren't that many of these out there, I may choose to leave it alone.  

It was just so delightful to me to acquire such a neat little find.  And this place has so many interesting items, old vinyl, furniture, repurposed old tools, clothing, hats, even vintage make-up (which I am also a big fan of).  If I can ever find Vintage Biba Make-up I would probably pass out from pure joy.  Hahaha....

Everytime I look at this case I wonder, who owned it, what kind of life did they lead?  Did they carry it with them on a night out to Studio 54?  Was it a gift from a lover?  Who knows!  That's the exciting part, the history that comes with the finds that tickle my imagination and fill my heart with childlike wonder.

I hope one day my Collections spawn fascination in the minds of whoever then becomes the next owner of my unique treasures.  To despise with olfactory horror or adore with love such I have for my pretties on my drawer.


1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOD...first off, I love Estee Lauder, one of my favorite perfume designers, secondly, that is a fantastic vintage piece you have. I haven't had the chance to try "Youth Dew" I should have yesterday when I was on my sampling oddessey. I've heard great things about it though. What a treasure and who knows the history behind it! :) I've also been thinking about starting my own perfumes as well, for perfume lockets...when I have the time of course!
